Fasting day on the cottage cheese - the perfect figure is tasty and simple. Rules and options for fasting day on cottage cheese


A fasting day on cottage cheese fell in love with many girls and women, periodically arranging the body for a weekend, thus leading their figure to the desired harmony. Unloading usually involves psychological stress for lovers of good food, but the curd menu moves surprisingly simple and easy. The fact is that the cottage cheese and dishes from this product are not only tasty, but also hearty, which means that throughout the day you will not have to struggle with hunger.

Cottage cheese is a product rich in vitamins, calcium, minerals. It is perfectly absorbed, has a beneficial effect on the body: it lowers cholesterol, speeds up metabolism, strengthens bone tissue.

Fasting day on the cottage cheese: useful or harmful

Undoubtedly, from unloading on cottage cheese the body will receive more benefits than harm. The essence of the technique is that throughout the day you need to eat cottage cheese. Depending on the menu option, the mass of the product is from 500 grams to 1 kilogram. Also, other foods, for example, fermented milk, fruits, berries, can enter the diet of this day.

Fasting day on the cottage cheese is not recommended more than twice a week, no matter how sparing the menu for proper nutrition, one cottage cheese is not enough. However, regular mono-diet conduction not only helps to maintain harmony, cleanse and rejuvenate the body, but also improves the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, digestive organs.

Advantages of curd unloading:

• Due to the gentle method, it is suitable for people of any age. Exceptions are children under 7 years old and older people.

• Under all conditions and regularity, you can forget about brittle nails and dull hair.

• Due to its fast digestibility, cottage cheese unloads the digestive system, thereby relieving the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract from toxins and improving metabolism.

• Amino acid, which is part of cottage cheese, promotes fat burning.

• The diuretic properties of the product help to remove excess fluid. The effect will be higher if a couple of days before unloading you exclude from the diet fried, salty and sweet.

The disadvantages of the system:

• Due to its high protein content, cottage cheese is contraindicated in people suffering from kidney failure. Excess of this substance will overload the excretory system.

• High-fat fermented milk products can increase blood cholesterol and can also provoke the development of obesity.

• Do not use the product for people with individual intolerance to the main component of a fasting day.

• An expired product can cause intestinal infections.

Fasting day on the cottage cheese: the choice of cottage cheese

When choosing cottage cheese for unloading, first read the composition of the product. Only a natural product is suitable, from the curds or products containing vegetable fats, starch, palm oils, do not expect any benefit or result.

The fat content of the product should be from 2 to 5%. A completely fat-free version will deprive you of the necessary fats for healthy body functioning, and in 9%, the fat content is too high, which is also not a good option for unloading.

In this case, the type of cottage cheese can be any: granular or pasty.

Fasting day on cottage cheese: classic version

This method of unloading is perhaps the easiest, but at the same time complicated. For the day you need to eat 800 grams of cottage cheese, distributing this amount for several meals. In addition to cottage cheese, you definitely need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of liquid: herbal decoctions, green tea, ordinary water. Any other products are excluded.

Fasting day on cottage cheese and kefir

Thanks to the combination of kefir and cottage cheese, it is much easier to transfer fasting days, and the result is much more effective. Kefir perfectly saturates the body, it is rich in vitamins of groups B, A, C, E, H, calcium, potassium, phosphorus. And milk protein and live lactic acid bacteria beneficially affect the intestinal microflora and the digestive tract as a whole.

The menu of the fasting day on kefir and cottage cheese consists of 400-500 grams of cottage cheese and about a liter of kefir. This is a set for strictly unloading option. There is a more gentle method, where it is allowed to introduce a little honey into the diet.

Sample menu:

• Breakfast: 50 grams of cottage cheese and a glass of herbal tea with a teaspoon of honey.

• Second breakfast: 300 ml of kefir.

• Lunch: 150 grams of cottage cheese or cottage cheese made from it with a drop of honey without oils and sugar, green tea.

• Snack: 300 ml of kefir.

• Dinner: 100 grams of cottage cheese, tea, a spoonful of honey.

• Before going to bed: 300 ml of kefir.

One thing remains unchanged, as with any diet: in addition to kefir, you must drink at least two more liters of liquid.

Fasting day on cottage cheese and apples

Any fasting day on cottage cheese is good because it can be carried out at any time of the year.

In the cottage cheese and apple version, the sample menu will look like this:

• Breakfast: one apple, preferably green, 100 grams of cottage cheese with cinnamon and a few drops of honey; tea.

• Lunch: 50 grams of cottage cheese, two baked apples, a rosehip broth.

• Snack: apple, tea.

• Dinner: apple, tea baked with cottage cheese.

This menu is not so tough, for the best effect you can make it stricter: you will need to divide four medium-sized apples and 300-400 grams of cottage cheese into five meals.

Fasting day on cottage cheese and berries

And this option can be attributed to the tastiest, but it is one of the few that is available only in the summer, more precisely in the season of berries, since frozen berries and preservation are not suitable for unloading.

During the day you can eat 500-600 grams of cottage cheese and 200 grams of any berries: gooseberries, strawberries, strawberries, currants and others, and you can also make a berry mix. Products can be eaten separately, mixed, baked, without using other ingredients. You will also need to drink from two liters of fluid per day: black or green tea, herbal decoctions, plain water without gas.

Cottage cheese casserole recipe for a fasting day

If you decide to introduce fasting days on cottage cheese to your life on a regular basis, you may soon get bored with this product. To avoid this, try to diversify the menu. You can eat cottage cheese not only in its pure form, but also making cottage cheese pancakes, casseroles, curd cheese without butter, eggs, sugar and other products.


• pack of 5% cottage cheese (200 grams);

• two tablespoons of kefir or ryazhenka;

• two pinches of cinnamon.


Mash the cottage cheese thoroughly with a fork, add kefir, add cinnamon. Stir the mass well. Put the cottage cheese in a silicone mold. Place the casserole in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Since there are no oils in the baking composition, use only silicone forms for baking the dietary curd, otherwise the baking will burn. If you choose a fasting day with cottage cheese and apples, you can serve the casserole with freshly grated apple, or add fruit to the mass immediately before cooking.

Your positive attitude, strict adherence to the rules and faith in success will certainly bear fruit.


Watch the video: A Sample Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan (July 2024).