Stonecrop - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Stonecrop - General Description

Stonecrop It is a perennial, less commonly annual plant belonging to the family Crassulaceae, stretching up to 1 meter in height. The stalk of stonecrop is erect, powerful and solid; the leaves are thick, smooth, fleshy and sessile, often notched at the base. The leaf blade is flat, without clay. Small star-shaped flowers are collected in corymbose, umbrella or racemose inflorescences.

Flowers of many species are located very densely to each other. The sedum flowering period lasts from July to October. Fruits form in the fall. Stonecrop propagates by ovoid seeds, cuttings and with the help of rhizomes.

Stonecrop - species and places of growth

The genus Stonecrop is the most diverse and extensive, with more than 600 species. Many of them have a peculiar and bizarre shape, which is why they are highly appreciated by florists for their decorativeness and unusualness. Representatives of the genus are widely distributed in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere, mainly in the Mediterranean, Europe, Siberia, and also live in Japan and China.

Many types of stonecrops are concentrated in the arid places of the USA and Mexico. So the most famous representative - the stonecrop pink (Rhodiola or the golden root) coexists perfectly even in Alaska, in Greenland, on Novaya Zemlya.

In Russia, mainly in Western Siberia and the Urals, cauliflower with yellow star-shaped flowers is widely distributed, which is considered a poisonous plant. In the European part of our country one can meet another species - stonecrop, growing on rocky places. Its young shoots are used for cooking spicy dishes.

Stonecrop - healing properties

In homeopathy and traditional medicine they use caustic soda. Despite its toxicity, the plant is widely used in the treatment of certain diseases by many peoples.

Use stonecrop caustic for epilepsy, malaria, hypertension, fever, scurvy. Fresh leaves and stems help increase hemoglobin, eliminate hepatitis and reduce atherosclerosis. Often, stonecrop is used as a mild laxative and diuretic that normalizes the intestinal tract. Outwardly it is used to treat ulcers, gangrene, purulent wounds, abscesses and acne. Plant juice effectively fights warts, calluses and freckles.

Stonecrop - dosage forms

In folk medicine, the aerial part of the stonecrop is usually used: leaves, stems and flowers, which are cut in the flowering phase. After collecting the parts, it is necessary to grind a little and scald it with boiling water, dry it in the sun until it dries, and place it in an oven heated to 60 degrees. The finished medicinal raw material retains its properties for two years, after which it is necessary to update the home medicine cabinet.

Stonecrop - recipes of traditional medicine

Acceptance of caustic scum inside should be accompanied by careful monitoring and strict dosage.

- Infusion for hypertension: pour a tablespoon of the dried extract (flowers, stems and leaves) into boiling water (200 ml), simmer with the stove turned off for 5-7 minutes, then cool, squeeze the raw materials and drink the infusion during or after meals on the table. spoon three times a day.

- For the treatment of epilepsy, it is advisable to take powdered dry grass twice a day: morning, evening. Use with a small amount of liquid at 500 mg for 2-3 months.

- Infusion for fever and malaria: put a table in a glass of hot water. spoonful of raw materials, insist, wrapping a warm cloth, 3-4 hours and take half a glass after meals three times a day. Such an infusion can be used for constipation.

- To relieve pain of various kinds (osteochondrosis, neuralgia, arthritis, bruises, etc.) and to treat skin diseases, it is necessary to use poultices from dry, and in summer from fresh, stonecrop grass. To do this, five tablespoons are poured into gauze or a wide bandage, scalded with boiling water and applied to sore and problem areas.

Stonecrop - contraindications

The plant is poisonous! Therefore, its use is contraindicated in children and pregnant women. An overdose can provoke vomiting, dizziness, as well as life-threatening conditions - cardiac arrest and breathing, coma.


Nina 05/02/2016
The main diseases that this plant treats are not so popular in our country. Well, where can we meet malaria, or fever? You can, of course, but this is rare. But hypertension - yes, we have a very well-known disease. And why not try stonecrop in action.

Ulyana 05/02/2016
Here I will not be original if I say that such a poisonous plant in my life will not force me to take it inside. Although, I drank somehow a golden mustache ... True, not for long. Scary though. I prefer more loyal means.

Nastya 05/02/2016
Radiola and the golden root, this is - stonecrop ?? !! In the sense - a variety. But, because the golden root can be drunk to enhance immunity. Of course, with the juice of such a poisonous plant, you can get rid of freckles, and warts, and nothing will remain of corns.

Kira 05/02/2016
Well, yes - what plant, such and diseases it treats. In the sense that the stonecrop is very toxic, and the diseases in which it is taken are dangerous. Epilepsy, malaria, scurvy, and similar serious sores. Of course, illnesses should probably not be divided into “good” and “bad”.

Glory 05/02/2016
Wow! How beautiful and unusual the photo of this plant was made, I did not even recognize it right away. And it is growing with us. By the way, as I understand it, it is stonecrop that grows. But about the fact that dishes are prepared from his young shoots - the first time I hear!


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