How to take birth control pills? Why do I need a doctor’s advice before taking birth control pills?


Birth control pills are the best way to protect young girls and women from becoming pregnant.

Many women prefer this method of contraception. If you take the tablets according to the instructions, they provide 100% protection. But how to take them?

How to take birth control pills: principle of action

The composition of birth control pills includes synthetic hormones, they are a kind of analogue of female hormones, which, as we know, are always produced by a woman’s body throughout life. It is under the influence of estrogen and progesterone that the production of other hormones is blocked, which means that the stimulation of follicular maturation will no longer occur. Thus, by introducing a small amount of progesterone and estrogen into the body, ovulation can be suppressed. It is on this principle that the work of birth control pills is built.

Immediately after the woman stops taking the pills, the reproductive function will recover within about a few months, which means that the desired pregnancy can occur.

Under the influence of birth control pills, you can 100% prevent an unwanted pregnancy, but only if they are taken correctly. In addition to the main function, contraceptives relieve pain during menstruation, and also reduce bleeding to a minimum.

How to take birth control pills: side effects

The main disadvantage of tablets is that they have certain side effects, which, one way or another, affect the body:

1. Immediately after a woman begins to take pills, she may appear red discharge. But as soon as the body gets used to the drug, everything will pass.

2. The hormones that make up the drugs can provoke swelling in the limbs, bloating in the abdomen, headaches and even increased pressure.

3. Progestins - against their background, the woman becomes irritable, it is possible to gain excess weight, the appearance of acne.

4. When taking contraceptives, appetite rises sharply, so weight gain is understandable. In exceptional cases, weight is gained because fluid is retained in the body.

5. Many girls have small dark spots on their faces, outwardly they resemble pigment spots that occur during pregnancy. If suddenly they began to appear, it is recommended to switch to other tablets.

6. Some drugs can cause a serious illness such as thrombosis. In this case, it all depends on what dose of hormones is part of the drugs.

7. You can not combine smoking and some birth control drugs.

8. There may be side effects when combining certain medications and contraceptives.

If a woman is afraid of gaining excess weight, then she needs to take contraceptives, which include small doses of hormonal components.

In the event that the drug is chosen incorrectly, weight gain is unlikely to be avoided. Today, the effect of tablets on fat metabolism has been well studied, which means that for every woman you can choose the right remedy.

How to take birth control pills: rules for admission

In order for the drugs to act instantly, they need to start drinking on the first day after the menstruation has arrived. Those women whose periods are irregular can take pills from the first day of the cycle, but you need to be sure that the pregnancy has not occurred.

Immediately after childbirth, if the woman in labor does not start breastfeeding, you need to start taking pills 21 days after the day of birth. If you are breast-feeding, give up oral contraceptives for at least six months.

After an abortion, you need to take pills on the day when it was done.

Standard Admission Rules

It is recommended to drink birth control pills daily, for 21 days, after which a break is made exactly 7 days, and then open a new package and start drinking again. Menstruation comes on the days when you rest from pills.

Special pill regimen

Jess tablets are taken a little differently, exactly 28 tablets are in the package, of which 24 are active and 4 are inactive, so they are taken without interruption.

Extended mode

This mode consists in taking exclusively active tablets. Doctors recommend using a three-cycle regimen, that is, they take medication 63 days in a row, and then take a break of 7 days. Thus, you can reduce menstrual bleeding up to 4 times a year.

What to do if the pill is not drunk? Many women sometimes forget and on some day just do not drink a pill, but what to do in this case:

1. Immediately after you remember, be sure to drink the missed pill.

2. Take the rest of the tablets as usual.

If you forgot to drink a pill or two at once, then the probability of pregnancy is high, you must use additional contraceptives.

How to take birth control pills: rules of admission, depending on age

Choosing contraceptives is a difficult task that can only be solved with your gynecologist. Their main goal is to protect women from pregnancy. The choice of drug should be approached with caution, since many factors must be taken into account, for example, the age of a woman.

At what age are tablets allowed

The life of every woman is conditionally divided into several periods, so, for example, from 10 to 18 years - this is the teenage period.

Doctors recommend starting to take birth control pills from about 20 years old, but of course if the girl has a sex life and there is a need. In recent years, the likelihood of becoming pregnant will decrease due to physiological parameters, and the abortion rate increases at a young age.

What contraceptives to use at a young age

Under the age of 35, there are no restrictions on taking medications; you can drink anything you want. It should be noted that oral contraceptives are considered the most reliable.

But in addition to such methods of contraception, others are used in our country - spirals, condoms, injection methods.

Specialists were able to scientifically prove the fact that contraceptives protect not only from an unwanted pregnancy, but also from getting rid of some diseases. The only drawback is that tablets, unfortunately, cannot protect the body from infections.

How to take birth control pills: the effect of pills

How do pills affect pregnancy?

Even when taking birth control pills, pregnancy can occur if a woman takes them incorrectly. If you suspect that the pregnancy really has come, you need to stop drinking the pills as soon as possible.

In the first three weeks after pregnancy, the tablets do not affect the development of the fetus and are considered not dangerous.

In general, on the body

Hormonal contraceptives affect a woman's body in different ways. In order to prevent the occurrence of side effects, you need to visit your gynecologist several times a year and undergo a full examination. It is believed that birth control drugs negatively affect the microflora of the vagina. Some women may develop thrush. In this case, it is necessary to cancel the drugs, wait until the symptoms disappear, and resume taking the drugs again.

Mastopathy development

Most women are very worried about the question of whether pills can affect the development of a disease such as mastopathy.

Experts insist that if the tablets were selected correctly and the attending physician did it, then the development of mastopathy can be avoided. But the situation is a little different, if a woman had a malfunction in the hormonal background, she has a sick liver or kidneys, all this can lead to mastopathy.

Only a doctor can choose contraceptives, taking into account the peculiarities of a woman's body, her age, phenotype, habitual lifestyle, and much more.

You can drink hormonal drugs after examination by a gynecologist, in which case you will be able to avoid side effects.

Birth control pills are a good remedy that has been used for many years. Approach the choice of tablets most responsibly and then they will become a reliable protection for you.


Watch the video: Birth Control Pills. Contraceptive Pills Guide. MINI PILL 2019 (June 2024).