Hyperactive child - signs of a hyperactive child


Parents of active, restless, inattentive and noisy baby are increasingly thinking about, and whether their child is overactive? They have to listen from others, educators, teachers, neighbors complaints about the uncontrollable behavior of the baby, his poor upbringing and disobedience.

About such a concept as "hyperactivity" became known relatively recently, scientists have proven that this behavior of children is a disease - a violation and mental disorder.

But is it worth to attribute this diagnosis to absolutely everyone? What are the signs of the manifestation of this problem and how to calm the baby who is diagnosed?

Symptoms of hyperactivity

The medical name for the problem is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It is possible to make this diagnosis only after passing the commission of qualified doctors (neurologists, teachers, psychologists), when the baby is 4 years old.

The first signs of attention deficit can be seen at a younger age of 2-3 years. Before you seek professional help and advice from a child psychologist, observe the behavior of your child.

Signs of hyperactivity:

  • inattention and forgetfulnesss Such a baby is difficult to focus on any one task, he is constantly distracted. He does not remember where he put his things or toys, often loses them, does not put in place. When you talk to a hyperactive baby - he does not listen, it is difficult for him to sit in one place for a long time, he constantly needs movement.
  • impulsivenesss It is especially difficult for such children in kindergarten and school when classes are held. Scarce constantly fidgets in his chair, cannot sit quietly, waving his arms or legs intensively, can shout out, interfere with other children, interrupt the teacher, take off and start to run, and also offend and uplift others.

Hyperactive child what to do?

If a child is hyperactive and he has symptoms and signs of ADHD, first of all he needs to create a favorable environment in the family.

Family quarrels, conflicts can injure so weak psyche of the baby. Parents should come to a common opinion in the education and control their emotions.

Features of hyperactive children - how to calm them down

To reassure a child who has signs of hyperactivity, you need to follow certain rules and follow the schedule of the day.

Only having a framework and boundaries in behavior, which are established by adults, a hyperactive child in 2 years and 3 years will be able to learn to order and learn how to control the situation at school age.

1. Put before the tiny clear tasks that he is able to perform. Observe the sequence in the requests.

2. If you forbid something, speak clearly and confidently.

3. Observe the daily regimen, control the time of the baby, so that he does not forget to perform important tasks.

4. Teach to order from an early age, praise the crumb for his small victories.

5. Advice to parents - to direct the irrepressible energy and activity of your child in the right direction: send it to the section, creative circle, playing sports.

Causes of hyperactivity

Hepactive children are born more and more often lately. Until now, there are many opinions among experts regarding the causes of this disorder, among them:

1. genetic factors and genetic predisposition.

2. biological (unfavorable intrauterine development, severe childbirth and birth trauma, finding a newborn in intensive care.

How to reassure the child advice of a psychologist

Child psychologists recommend parents hyperactive baby to create a calm, favorable conditions. If he is excited and can not calm down, change the situation. If you are visiting - take the noisy fidget to another room or lead to the street.

For such babies, physical contact is important, hug him, speak in a calm and quiet voice in low tones. Explain what he is doing wrong and how to behave. Do not scream, do not scold or beat him!

Many parents are interested in the question, how to put a restless baby to sleep? Psychologists advise to spend a relaxation massage, take a bath, read a fairy tale before bedtime. It is necessary to help calm the nervous system of the crumbs.

Hyperactive child advice to parents

How to raise children with ADHD? Parents face difficulties when their children go to school and begin to contact and communicate with other children in society. A hyperactive baby is always under the watchful attention of teachers, his behavior is always unhappy with the surrounding people, such children are often aggressive and offend calmer children.

With diagnostics problems with the participation of a psychologist and a doctor must be treated crumbs, have patience and understand your child. Set rules in your family, be authoritative for your baby.

He should know that parents love and are proud of their restless. Encourage good behavior and actions. Play sports together, play active games, arrange family trips, trips.

Hyperactivity treatment

Often for treating hyperactivity in childrenIn addition to the correction of behavior, drug treatment with the use of sedatives and vitamins is also used. During the course of taking the drugs, children sleep better, their overactivity decreases, the number of hysterics or panic attacks, they become calmer.

Adhering to the recommendations of experts, combining them with drug treatment, you can help your child cope with the pathology.


Watch the video: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment of ADHD in Children (June 2024).